Only after previous dropping analysis by the veterinarian!

  • Kombi-Mix

    Content: 100 g
    • Young bird sickness / old bird sickness
    • E.Coli
    • Trichomonads
    • Hexamites
    • Fungal infections
    • Streptococci
    • Staphylococci
    Kombi-Mix is a mixture out of the three products Adeno-Coli, TKK Powder und Fungi Powder
  • Matrix 5x5g

    Content: 25 g
    • Modern broadband antibiotic
    • No resistances
    • Effective against respiratory infections
    • Highly effective against young bird sickness
    • Highly effective against E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci
    The product is fully effective for up to 10 hours in the water, after 15 hours the effect is lost.
  • Content: 10 capsules (5 blue, 5 red)
    • Fast pigeons through free airways
    • Insider tip for to-rankings
    Insider tip for special flights like national or medal flights.
  • Adeno-Coli

    Content: 100 g
    • Young bird sickness
    • Old bird sickness
    • highly effective
    A preventive cure with Adeno-Coli Mix Powder is strongly recommended before the racing season and after a few weeks of racing.
  • Fungi Powder

    Content: 100 g
    • fungal infections in pigeons
    • young bird sickness by fungal infections
    • performance increase
    • no side effects
    Some use Fungi every week on two days. The price lists confirm the "specialist" afterwards that they are again ahead of the competition.
  • Broncho-Sprint

    Content: 100 g
    • Fast pigeons through free airways
    • Ornithosis
    • Fat heads
    With no other product have more first awards been won in Germany. If you want to make a thoroughbred out of a plough horse, then only with Broncho-Sprint.
  • Orni-Chlam

    Content: 100 g
    • High effective against chlamydia
    • ornithosis
    • faster pigeons trough free airways
    • fat heads
    Orni-Chlam, the best product to treat against chlamydia in racing pigeons.
  • Orni 1 ONE

    Content: 25 ml
    • Ornithosis
    • Fat eyes
    Against respiratory inflammation and ornithosis. Inject like a vaccine into the neck of the pigeon.
  • Content: 15 ml
    • Applicable for eyes and nose
    • against germs
    The eye and nasal drops free from bacteria.
  • Content: 250 ml
    • in case of aggressive young bird sickness
    • Applicable over the feed
    • can be used for old birds, too
    • Streptococci, staphylococci and E.Coli germs
    Mega effect against young bird sickness! If the Kombikur (TKK Powder + Adeno-Coli Mix + Fungi + Matrix) does not work, take Bacterial MegaOil. The effect of Bacterial-MegaOil can be enhanced in combination with Matrix. Always add some Med. Tollyamin Forte into the drinkingwater.
  • Content: 100g
    • Fast pigeons through free airways
    • Insider tip for to-rankings
    Insider tip for special flights like national or medal flights.
  • Content: 30 capsules
    • High effective against chlamydia
    • ornithosis
    • faster pigeons trough free airways
    • fat heads
    Orni-Chlam, the best product to treat against chlamydia in racing pigeons.
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