You can pay with a PayPal balance or by using your credit or bedit card. You can also pay with your credit card although you don’t have a PayPal account.
You will receive an invoice together with your order. Please proceed your payment within 14 days into the account mentioned at the bottom of the invoice.
As soon as one checked your order (mon.-fri. 8am-5pm) you will receive a proforma invoice to proceed with the payment. Our account details can be found at the bottom of the PDF proforma invoice.
Please wait until you got our proforma invoice before you proceed with the payment!
Account owner: Vet-SchroederTOLLISAN
Bank: Rabobank Utrecht, Croeselaan 18, 3500 AE Utrecht
IBAN: NL84RABO0150156871
Purpose of use: Your customer no. + invoice no.